Beth's friend, Erin Asay was able to get us tickets to the Tabernacle Choir and David Archuletta Christmas Concert (her parents are both in the Choir!) so we planned a fun evening up in Salt Lake. It turned out to be a double treat, as Andrew had a special sculpture show right downtown as well! It was quite exciting for him, as the group leader, his was chosen among many to be in the show!
We arrived with Andrew now where to be found... so amused ourselves being silly.
We went to see Andrew's sculpture show first, and got there as the students were setting up their various displays. Here is the creative description Andrew wrote of his piece.
Andrew and his Tensegrety sculpture. Amazing design! None of the pieces touched, but were suspended by cables!
Was fun to see the other students setting up, but Andrew's was definitely the coolest!
We had planned to enjoy dinner at the Blue Lemon, but Erin's dad rang to tell us the lines were already forming, and we should hurry over, so while Moroni and Leslie went off to get some dinner and do some Christmas shopping, Erin, Beth and I headed to the Conference Center.
While waiting in line we could see Temple Square across the street...
and the Church Office Bld.
We weren't allowed to film the program, so took just this one shot of the stage before it began. It was amazing as always with the incredible choir, and David A. wasn't too bad either!
After the program, we hurried back to Andy's show to see his sculpture and the others all lit up before we headed home!