Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Just published!

I am the most blessed of women to have these opportunities! Thank you to the Friend!!
When William was just a tiny wee baby, I began illustrating freelance from home. I was offered the Assistant Art Director position at "Happy Times", another children's publication, but knew I could never leave my baby with anyone else. I had the impression at that time that if I stayed home and sacrificed career for a short while, I would be blessed when the time came for me to work again. Thankfully it meant as much to Jerome, and from that day I was blessed to have regular work from the Friend! I have been working for them over 26 years now! What do you think of that?! I know it is simply a blessing from a loving Heavenly Father who knew I wanted and needed to be a mum for a short season.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

A Quandary

Today I shared my beliefs with someone. This individual has never asked for my opinion before, nor did he this time, but he expressed concern over a topic that to me is so plain and precious, I felt to simply share with him what I know. It's funny, from my first meeting this gentleman, I've had a sweet feeling about him, as if somehow I know he is waiting to understand simple truths once known and cherished and now lost to him, but even he doesn't know it at this time. I've no idea what he thinks of my words, nor do I expect to hear from him concerning them, in fact as I write this, I have a feeling I will not hear from him again. And this is my quandary - by speaking as I have, I fear I may have lost his friendship, yet how could I not take the chance of offering to him the pure and simple understanding he was seeking? At first I hesitated, though the feeling was strong within me and as I prayed in my heart I almost heard - "Go ahead and just tell him. He may not want to hear it, but then again, he may." One thing I do know, is that I felt an impression, a stirring in my heart as I read of his concern, even worry, and I knew that I had the answer, and could simply offer it to him.

Burns Supper

My patient family endures what many would have little patience for, my passion for Scotland and all things pertaining there to, including annual traditions, such as the celebration of Scotland's Favorite Son, Robert Burns! We celebrated a day early, as I have prior obligations this evening, but it turned out just lovely as our regular Family Night. We began with a brief history of Rabbie's work with the reading of "Bannockburn", and YES Stacey, I managed to pull off a brief number on the chanter, "Scots Wha Hae", followed by some other wee Scottish traditions, and lastly toasted the Lads and Lassies. We ate a scrummy Cock-A-Leekie Soup" and some heavenly ( I dare say! ) Meat Pies, and when we had room a bit after, a layered peach and cream dessert.
Libby didn't care for any of it, but loved the Swedish Kakor from my tin in the cupboard!

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

It's In the Post!!

A few pages from the Sketchbook Project I mentioned several months ago! Lot's of fun! It's on it's way to the Brooklyn Art Library where it will hopefully catch someone's eye and get checked out a few times! I think it turned out well, and is a fun read! Good luck little book! Bon chance!!

Saturday, January 8, 2011

A Day with Teagan

While Will and Steph planned an extensive and concentrated effort to encourage Libby's toilet habits, Teagan spent the day with me! I recommend highly some individual time with grands. Well, with your own children of course as well! Completely undistracted and able to devote my attention to just this tiny wee person was delightful! I grabbed a few shots of her when she wasn't too busy moving around. My favorite time of the visit? Rocking her near the front windows while we watched sparrows at the feeder.
As a side note, it was determined to give Libby a few more months.

Christmas 2010

I was adding a post and doing a bit of editing when I noticed this set of images sitting in the draft file! I must have been called away before finishing. And now, with the decorations all away, and the house back to winter normal, it's nice to remember.