Sunday, June 29, 2014


I'm not a writer, but I want to record things that matter to me, things that have changed me for the better and helped me to grow, and the many ways our Heavenly Father has blessed my life. I've not had success recording in journals, but am hoping that my pleasure at a keyboard and knowing, just maybe that these things will be read by others will motivate me to be a little better, try a little harder and record things that might be of value to my children and grandchildren.

I made this family tree chart for a sharing time in primary today, and had much more fun creating it than the children in the lesson could ever have. The reason I share this is that I have for a long time now felt the pull from my ancestors, and the gentle urging the Spirit has given me to search and find them, learn who they were, and do temple work for them, creating links through generations. Family Search, a site created by the Mormon Church is a wonderful resource available to anyone who wants to search for their own roots. I remember well my grandparents, but know very little about my great grandparents on the top row. Finding their photos and adding them on this little chart was a wonderful experience, and reminded me again how much I want to link my self to them.