Wednesday, March 31, 2010

On being melancholy and dreaming

I am feeling more than a wee bit melancholy this evening. Sometimes it just can't be helped. And no matter how many quiet walks, and prayers, and sweet time spent in the temple, I just can't seem to let go of some of my dearest dreams and hopes, even when there is little chance of their coming true.
See... told you I was feeling melancholy. No worries though. I'll be ok tomorrow.

Sunday, March 28, 2010


Steph and the girls returned to Utah a bit ago, and I am "Ma-Ka" again. That is what Libby calls me, and we don't know why. But to hear her precious voice calling "Ma-Ka, come here...Come here Ma-Ka" my heart feels to burst with love! Her new baby sister Teagan is here too, and Libby patiently endures the crying, and the waiting her turn, the hair-pulling and all the things that come with being a big sister, though not yet 2 years old, and every day I wonder how I could love this tiny lovely little girl more.

Friday, March 26, 2010

Thank you Harold!

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Gray Skies

I love the dark skies that promise storms. I always have. Even when an event is planned, I am never disappointed or discouraged when clouds gather. I've thought about it many times, and wondered if my personalty lends itself to bouts of depression or my own grayness, as I can be a moody person. But then I love the sun as well, and find great pleasure in it's warmth. No, I can't really put my finger on it.
I think it might originate in part from my growing up in the California sunshine, almost endless, and the excitement and anticipation that would inevitably arise when rain clouds would chance to fill the sky. Those were cookie baking days, or playing indoor games, building Barbie houses and reading under a blanket or putting on lonely rubber boots and neglected umbrellas to splash in the puddles. Perhaps it arises even farther back, from some ties to my Scottish ancestors and the beautiful land where rain and clouds are never far away.
These days, I still find pleasure in dark skies, and find myself inevitably drawn to the kitchen to bake something, opening the windows wide to the sweet smell of rain soaked grasses, the heavenly sounds on the roofs and pavements...and the peace of just sitting on the front porch under a warm blanket, content.

Monday, March 22, 2010

See!!! It truly is Spring!!

I noticed a bit of color this morning peeking out... so delicate and lovely!