Friday, May 14, 2010


Recently a friend was commenting on the amazing character of his dog, a German Shepherd Collie mix he saved from a rescue shelter. He told of her intelligence and obedient nature, with a description of their daily walks, without a leash - completely unnecessary as she would never leave his side, even when confronted with other dogs! I was amazed and listened intently, all the while thinking of the wee bunch of dog sleeping under my desk at home...
Lily came to us from a weary neighbor, who found her "free" outside a Petsmart up north. She fulfilled every puppy fantasy and nightmare I might add, and on occasion was left in the laundry room with the door shut! But that was some 6 years ago... and we have grown accustomed to having her here. She still pees when men come over, barks at low and very high flying jets, whines unceasingly when she wants something, be it the neighbors cat passing by outside, waaaaaay over across the street, or your chocolate chip cookie, and many more I dare not number. But she also is gentle with Libby, letting her pat her tummy and patiently obeying when told "Out Leelee!!" She sits quietly uncomplaining when her water and food bowls sit empty hour upon hour. She leaps upon command, shakes and "Dies for her country!!" and walks happily by my side morning after morning... a sweet gentle companion. It wasn't a fluke that we were in a position to take a wee dog in 6 years ago. We fell in love with her from the start.


  1. And yet STILL every day is accompanied with threats to get rid of her. ;) Jk. I agree completely. :)

  2. You're right Beth! But merely idle ones!!!
