Friday, September 14, 2012

Graves of the Prophets

Last evening my friend Harold and I took a drive up to the Salt Lake City Cemetery.
Neither of us had ever seen the prophet's graves, all but 4 buried there ( Joseph Smith, Brigham Young, Lorenzo Snow and Ezra Taft Benson), so we brought along a map and our cameras and set to work searching. 

What an amazing thing to be where so many prophets and apostles have stood, and walked, and where their mortal remains lay. Some of the stones were almost too worn to read, that of John Taylor for instance, but some, like my President Hinckley's were new and clear. 

Brigham Young's grave is located in a tiny cemetery just off of First Ave. with several of his wives and some lovely gardens, just set there between some old homes. I must have passed it a hundred times and never knew it was there. 

I've always been fascinated with death, and graveyards, never feeling the morbid or scary feeling often associated. 
To visit these beautiful places makes me feel even more grateful and excited, for knowledge that these great men and women are very much alive, just in another place for now, and that one day, I will see these and others I love.

                                                              Beside his beloved Marjorie.

 Loved this carved stone of Orrin Porter Rockwell.

 A beloved husband and wife who left Scotland for their new home in Zion. Beautiful carved stones.

Someone's darling baby boy.

And lastly, sweet Harold who loves these kinds of things, as I do.


  1. I had never thought about how many of these great people are all buried there. I feel the same reverence and wonder that you do when I go to a cemetery; that these people have gone ahead of me and experienced what I have yet to know. Kind of the same feeling I had when I was pregnant with my first baby and I saw women with infants and I thought, wow, they have already gone through what I will soon experience. We'll be there before we know it. Does that sound morbid?

  2. Not to me dearest. I almost envy them!

  3. I had never thought about it either. Lovely sentiments all.
