Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Assignments and Sketches

Another fun assignment from the Liahona! I've had less the past few months, and the only conclusion I can come to is that for some reason, that blessing is not needed any more. With my limited vision, it's difficult to understand, as it still feels VERY needed, but as I bring some of my ideas to final stages, I'm hoping to see some fruits very soon. Anyway, every now and then I get another little blessing and am grateful. I sent these roughs out to the art director today and will get busy finalizing the work. Oh how I love to create in this way!

1 comment:

  1. And I love to stumble upon your creations. I get very excited, and tend to point out to anyone who will allow me to tell them that my friend Elise drew this. I am rather proud of your work.
