Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Drive-In Movies

This past week Libby and Teagan came for a visit while their mum and dad were away. We love it when they come, and I mean that too!! Libby enjoyed the "Little Bear" videos I recorded years ago from Nickelodeon while Moroni was a wee laddie, and when I suggested she could watch them from the car, like a drive-in movie, Beth reminded me that Libby had no idea what such a thing was, nor would she ever likely know either! How sad. I have some very fond memories associated with Drive-ins... like watching from the back of Uncle Doug's pick-up, all snuggled in blankets with my cousins and siblings... kids running to and fro through the parking area... even swinging on the swing sets provided for what reason I've no idea... wearing our footed PJ's and watching "101 Dalmatians" in the old station wagon... Even when William and Andy were little, we took a few trips to the Art City Drive-In. They wore their jim-jams, and munched popcorn, and there was nothing like that funny "echoy" sound that the speakers made, clipped there to your side window..... After a while the theaters came out with amazing sound systems, and comfortable seating, and folks lost interest in the noisy lots and unpredictable weather. There seemed to be a lot more cigarette smoke and cars with more than movie watching in mind... and fewer and fewer families to smile with and share memories... And so it goes....

Monday, August 23, 2010


"A right wee cutie!!" A Scottish friend used that phrase, and it is fitting too, as every day Teagan becomes more and more precious to me! My heart just keeps growing and growing to fit in these lovely wee souls! Such a love!!

Saturday, August 21, 2010

A Summer Rain

Monday, August 9, 2010

Changing the view...

I've recently re-arranged my office. It's something I like to do now and again when I need to jump-start my creative self. Somehow by moving things around, I sort through my collections, eliminate the rubbish, and end up with a feeling of excitement and renewed energy! There's definitely something to be said about a fresh view and the ability to see things from a different perspective! Sure could use some of that at the moment!

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Niven Reunion 2010

The kids and I were in charge of the reunion this year, and let me tell you, that's a lot of work!
We had fun though, and many came from great distances to join us! I think there were more grandchildren and their families than the original Niven 9! The day started out warm, grew quickly HOT, and ended in a tremendous thunder and rain storm! In fact, we all ended up in the basement drying out for the closing activities!! Here is a sampling of some of the fun for those who couldn't make it there! A huge thank you to Grandpa and Grandma and everyone who made it such a fun day!

Making potato babies...

Ashlee loved her potato baby so much she carried it most of the day...

Ethan's shows his cyclops baby...

One of several games, wheelbarrow races to collect "Buffalo Chips"...

John and Jared putting the potato babies to nap...

Afternoon water play with cousins...

Carolyn manages the hose for a while...

Plenty of visiting time in the afternoon...

Rescuing the potato babies from the burning wagon...

The rain began to fall about now, and Grandpa began the bartering with information concerning his spinners...

Testing out Grandpa's spinners, and the reversible method...

Family flags...

The first time many had seen Will since he returned from Afghanistan...

Plenty of hugging of course...

Cousins, nieces and nephews getting to know each other again...

A final sweet baby face by Kiley Kunz, held by her mum, Hailey. Bye everyone!!