Saturday, June 18, 2011

By Jupiter!! Peas!! .....and Cat beds

Look at the size of them!!

The wee blossoms are a good sign I believe.

I know Rose is not unique with her unusual habits, all cats are odd in that sense, but for goodness sake! If I leave a pile of warm laundry on my bed for 3 minutes while I grab something, I will inevitably return to find her nestled in the center looking innocently at me... a pile of newspapers, same thing, but a narrow shoebox?! That cannot be comfortable!

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Who are these people?

Just a few thoughts this morning...
I've been reflecting on my younger days, most assuredly because my own children are growing up and out, and I've wondered lately who these young people truly are?!
Growing up I was very shy and insecure physically. I hated being singled out, even if it was in a positive way, and kept to myself so as not to attract any attention, heaven forbid! I worked and accomplished good things, but nothing really exceptional or motivating. It wasn't until I went to school that I discovered I could be a bit uncomfortable, and found an inner strength I didn't know existed. I went on to study illustration and served a mission, and even found the courage to marry, but through it all, I still remained much the same, a bit insecure to stand in front of a group and be seen and heard, and never wanting to have the spotlight, and missing many of the wonders of life simply because I was too afraid to go and find them.
My children on the other hand are very different.
I can only theorize as to the whys and wherefores of their marvelous courage and desire to experience all the good things in life...
perhaps the heartbreak of divorce causing them to search for understanding, security and faith, or the financial struggles encouraging them to seek education and prepare for future uncertainties, and without doubt the valiant and lovely spirits they came to earth already possessing.
I am just grateful as I watch them go out into the world that despite the follies of their parents, they are strong and good, and seeking to fill each moment here on earth.

Friday, June 10, 2011

What in the world?!