Friday, December 16, 2011


Read this today. A beautiful thought and I send it out to all the wonderful couples I know, still in love! You inspire me to hope and dream.

"Love is a temporary madness. It erupts like an earthquake and then subsides. And when it subsides you have to make a decision. You have to work out whether your roots have become so entwined together that it is inconceivable that you should ever part. Because this is what love is. Love is not breathlessness, it is not excitement, it is not the promulgation of promises of eternal passion. That is just being "in love" which any of us can convince ourselves we are.
Love itself is what is left over when being in love has burned away, and this is both an art and a fortunate accident. Your mother and I had it, we had roots that grew towards each other underground, and when all the pretty blossom had fallen from our branches we found that we were one tree and not two."

Louis De Bernieres

Monday, December 12, 2011

Saturday, December 3, 2011

The Temple with Beth

Just found these photos on my mobile phone this morning from 15 October 2011. In the anticipation of the day, my camera was not on the list of priorities, and I was grateful I'd at least the presence of mind to take these two.
It was my blessing to escort my beautiful daughter through the temple for her first time. What a blessing indeed to see it all new and fresh through her eyes, yet with the understanding some 30 years of attending have given me. I love the temple. I always have from my first visit, and am so blessed to share it with each of my children in their time.

From left, Steh and Will, Andrew, Beth, Grandma Maughan, Gregg, Krista and Rick.

Saturday, November 5, 2011

"Autumn days... bright and gay... God gives richest gifts today..."

We've had a gorgeous Autumn this year... warm days and crisp nights... with just the right vibrant colors for creating some gorgeous family photos. Did we get one? Did I get even one photo of the mountains or canyons, or even the trees around town? No.
They're in my memory however, in all their glory, where most of such images are stored safely... at least for the time being.
I did manage to record this one of my Libby however... and now, as I type this, looking out my office window, there is snow down to the benches, and rain, and all the signs of winter. And so it goes...

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Auntie Fern and Uncle Doug

Just received word that my uncle will likely pass away very soon. He has suffered from ill health for years, and my cousin wrote it is just a matter of time. He has always been a favorite of mine, and I will miss him dearly.
I know life passes, that we are here only a wee while... but facing the leaving is heartbreaking to me. When I was last in the temple for Beth's first visit, I was reminded again that heaven need be nothing more than never again saying goodbye to those we love. I know I'll have many more such goodbyes before then, and I don't know if my heart will hold out.

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Two wee girls for a day...

Mondays Libby and Teagan visit me while daddy is in classes and mummy works. The weather has been so beautiful, we decided to take a walk....

Being silly...

a lovely house I've wished was mine!

Stopping for a donut at Reams...

and while Teagan napped, Libby and I had a lovely tea party.

Pouring the "tea" so carefully...

Maka's big pumpkin growing...

Ripe sweet Roma tomatoes

A garden friend. Now ladies, if you ever glance in the mirror, and don't like what you see... remember, you could look worse!! ( I couldn't help but think that as I looked at this fellow!!)

...and lastly, a Mantis in prayer. Well, perhaps he WAS praying as wasn't too pleased about having his photo taken!

Friday, September 9, 2011

Doing a bit of "My Garden.."

Emma asked me to make a flower picture for a friend's wedding the other day. I haven't been doing much these days, frustrated with the fading of the greenery... ah well. I keep trying to think of ways to preserve them. Anyway, it was fun. I've a few ideas in the works for artsy things, including these... so we'll see what happens.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011


Dip in boiling water until skin cracks. Dip in ice water. Slip from skins and fill jars to 1/4 inch from top. Add 1 tea. salt and 2 tea. lemon juice. Seal and process 60 min. 14 heavenly quarts so far ready for spaghetti, tortellini soup, vegetable beef stew and... oh my goodness!!

Sunday, August 7, 2011

A few scribblings in church today...

As I listen in church I tend to doodle. I scribble down phrases and comments that catch my heart and mind as well, and doodle a bit in between. Helps me listen better somehow.
Today I wrote down 2 things said that I especially enjoyed.
One was a comment about President Monson...
"I don't like his style as much as President Hinckley," said one brother, "but I know he is every bit as much a prophet."
Exactly! I have felt that way as well, but never knew how to say it! It doesn't show a lack of respect or witness of his divine calling, but it does reveal a bit about my personality. President Monson is a bit more formal than President Hinckley was, and his humor, though clever just doesn't usually match mine. President Hinckley on the other hand spoke to my heart in so many ways. But as this brother said, I too have no doubt that President Monson is a prophet. I love him and will follow his counsel, knowing it comes from God.
Later in another meeting, I heard the comment - "Where is the gold we can save?" and a reference to the lovely poet Robert it is...

Nature's first green is gold,
Her hardest hue to hold.
Her early leaf's a flower;
But only so an hour.
Then leaf subsides to leaf.
So Eden sank to grief,
So dawn goes down to day.
Nothing gold can stay.

Lovely! Nothing of this earth is truly lasting... especially not the gold that men would hold and save and hoard and even kill for.
What gold can we save?
REAL gold, that is the love we develop through service and sacrifice for family and friends and all we come to know here on earth, and the testimony we gain as we study and follow and strive to emulate our Savior, Jesus Christ.

Saturday, July 30, 2011


Friday, July 29, 2011

Lel dans la belle ville de Toulouse

(Translation - Lel in the beautiful city of Toulouse)
Heard from my Lel today! She even looks French somehow, doesn't she?! Here she is with her German friend Hannah, another aupair on holiday before heading home. She and Lel really hit it off, and now she is on her way home. It appears Lel will soon be changing families which is a good thing actually and moving to another home in Paris. More to come... until then, enjoy these photos.

Hanna's family with Leslie

These are of a lovely chapel in Toulouse.

Friday, July 15, 2011

Harry Potter and my Lel

Went to see the final Harry Potter film last evening. (FAB by the way!!) The kids all had plans to see it with friends, so I went on my own. Guess I'd better get used to that after all...and really, there are some advantages to going alone... easy to find great seats for 1, don't have to share your sweeties, nobody whispering at you during the tense moments, and...well, I'll think on that some more...
As I came home and visited with Leslie while she packed the last of her things in her cedar chest, I realized it was Lel who brought home the first Harry Potter book. I remember it clearly years ago, as she excitedly described this book she checked out at the school library about a boy with a lightening bolt scar on his forehead, who was a wizard and an orphan and his bedroom was in a cupboard under the stairs, and he wore his cousins hand-me-downs and never had a birthday present in his life, and... WHAT IN THE WORLD?! I remember thinking oh good grief! This must be some sort of disturbed book series, and that instead of saying NO sweetie! without giving it a chance, thought it best I find out more about it before passing judgement.

Well, I read it and I loved it, simple as that! and waited with the kids in long lines for every subsequent book and film that followed until this final story... and now it's finished. Harry is grown and my Lel is on her way. I will miss her terribly, terribly!!

Saturday, July 9, 2011

When I was 5

I am filling my 53rd year in just a few days, and am pensively reviewing the past.

Thursday, July 7, 2011

About 1400 miles... give or take...

Some of my favorite shots of our "holiday" (actually a trip of necessity for Lel to appear in person at the French Consulate for her visa, but hey, why not have a lovely time along the way, right?!) I felt homesick for the first time in many a year.

Spitting soon turned to pouring rain, and so gorgeous!

Busy city, but no worries thanks to GPS!

Tina, Tom and Tana, our hosts, and 3 of the sweetest people in the world.

Tom's front walkway... only in California!

"Bird of Paradise" just like my dad's.

Sweet Eucalyptus trees lining the highways.

A fab antique shop along the way. Bit over priced however!!

For only $3700. this beautiful alter piece could be yours! Was beautifully painted, so soft and serene.

Sea grass and footprints leading to the shore.

Foggy at first, the sky soon cleared and it was absolutely gorgeous!

Ah well... it was lovely.. now home, and Lel's ready to go. I'll post more on her later.

Saturday, June 18, 2011

By Jupiter!! Peas!! .....and Cat beds

Look at the size of them!!

The wee blossoms are a good sign I believe.

I know Rose is not unique with her unusual habits, all cats are odd in that sense, but for goodness sake! If I leave a pile of warm laundry on my bed for 3 minutes while I grab something, I will inevitably return to find her nestled in the center looking innocently at me... a pile of newspapers, same thing, but a narrow shoebox?! That cannot be comfortable!

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Who are these people?

Just a few thoughts this morning...
I've been reflecting on my younger days, most assuredly because my own children are growing up and out, and I've wondered lately who these young people truly are?!
Growing up I was very shy and insecure physically. I hated being singled out, even if it was in a positive way, and kept to myself so as not to attract any attention, heaven forbid! I worked and accomplished good things, but nothing really exceptional or motivating. It wasn't until I went to school that I discovered I could be a bit uncomfortable, and found an inner strength I didn't know existed. I went on to study illustration and served a mission, and even found the courage to marry, but through it all, I still remained much the same, a bit insecure to stand in front of a group and be seen and heard, and never wanting to have the spotlight, and missing many of the wonders of life simply because I was too afraid to go and find them.
My children on the other hand are very different.
I can only theorize as to the whys and wherefores of their marvelous courage and desire to experience all the good things in life...
perhaps the heartbreak of divorce causing them to search for understanding, security and faith, or the financial struggles encouraging them to seek education and prepare for future uncertainties, and without doubt the valiant and lovely spirits they came to earth already possessing.
I am just grateful as I watch them go out into the world that despite the follies of their parents, they are strong and good, and seeking to fill each moment here on earth.

Friday, June 10, 2011

What in the world?!

Sunday, May 29, 2011

She's Three! She's Three!! She's Threeeeeeeee!!!

Lib filled her third year this past week. Her mum and dad gave her what Will called "the most nauseating bike in the world!" I'm wondering what he could have possibly meant... all pink and blue and princessy, and even with a fabby baby carrier on the back!! She was still learning how to manipulate the pedal brakes the day I visited, but doing rather well, especially with Dad's help.

Maka gave her a lovely wooden castle with her own Rapunzel, horses, thrones etc. too! She had no trouble creating her own dialogue ... "Rapunzel, let down your hair!" (complete with hair falling down sound effects!) Such a love!!

Happy Birthday my darling wee love!!