Sunday, May 29, 2011

She's Three! She's Three!! She's Threeeeeeeee!!!

Lib filled her third year this past week. Her mum and dad gave her what Will called "the most nauseating bike in the world!" I'm wondering what he could have possibly meant... all pink and blue and princessy, and even with a fabby baby carrier on the back!! She was still learning how to manipulate the pedal brakes the day I visited, but doing rather well, especially with Dad's help.

Maka gave her a lovely wooden castle with her own Rapunzel, horses, thrones etc. too! She had no trouble creating her own dialogue ... "Rapunzel, let down your hair!" (complete with hair falling down sound effects!) Such a love!!

Happy Birthday my darling wee love!!

Monday, May 23, 2011

Peas and My Grands

My grand daughters are like my garden peas... they keep growing and growing! and they're sort of wild and curly and going all over the place!

See what I mean?!!

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Andy's Birthday and Being Maka

We celebrated Andrew's 25th this year! Hard to believe isn't it?!! He's up at the U studying Architecture and loving it, though I'm certain there are those days he'd like to forget it all and spend the day gardening instead. Sure love him!

And then last Friday the girls spent the night here. I'm certain not to be the only infatuated and adoring grandma in the world, but I must ask, are there any two more beautiful and precious wee girls in the wide world?!! Libby slept in my big bed with me, and in the early morning I heard her soft voice, "Morning Maka."

Now, I have my share of worries in this life, trials and sadness as well, but am able to bear it all and more when I think of my incredible blessings... and especially my wonderful children and darling grand children.


I forgot to post this of my finished quilt! Turned out rather nicely I think, though no blue ribbon awards here. Afraid I tend to a well-rounded approach to many activities - where I love to do a great variety of things, but don't have the patience to really master any of them! So my results are usually very enjoyable and satisfactory, but never "GREAT" achievements if you know what I mean. I so admire those who really do a project well! I must say however, that it is a great pleasure to complete something like this. To actually see it through to the finish. On to the next one! Thank you Stacey dear for inspiring me! xx