Saturday, May 26, 2012

Two Darling Parents

I know that everyone thinks their grand children are adorable, but may I brag a bit about the parents of my grand children, namely William and Stephanie, my oldest son and his beautiful wife. They married about 5 years ago and immediately began their marriage separated, as Will deployed with the USMC to Iraq. Steph was expecting during that time and Will arrived home just weeks before Liberty was born. One year later they would be separated again, this time to Afghanistan, while Steph would give birth to their second daughter by herself. And now, the Marine Corp behind them, and undergraduate work finished, they are setting off to The University of Iowa Law School, with two little girlies and a baby boy on the way. Today as we celebrated Libby's 4th birthday, I watched once again in awe at the wonderful young couple they are, the darling way they love and teach their girls, my precious grand daughters, and I cannot help but feel a gratitude to bursting with love of them all.