Wednesday, April 27, 2011


I usually buy vegetable and herb (that's "hairrrrb" mind!) starts from our local nursery, but this year wanted to see if I could get some going on my own in time for Spring planting, and VIOLA! Gorgeous tiny wee seedlings!! They did so well, I had enough to share with Andrew! I'm watching anxiously now for warm enough weather to plant outdoors!


Tiny wee Basil

And so many more!!

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Lel's Graduation

Yes, she's a BYU Graduate!! with a Bachelor of Arts in English!! As I looked out at all those zillions of graduates, I couldn't help wonder how many had put themselves through school, entirely on their own with no assistance from mum of dad, except for the occasional load of laundry on the weekends, and working along side their studies to pay for room and board??? Not many, I'd venture! And now she's home for a wee while before setting off for France on another adventure!! Proud as punch of my lovely, wonderful daughter!!

Em, Lel and Moroni on our way to the Marriot Center.

Moroni and Em before the graduation.

She never spotted us in the humongous crowd! (Center of photo looking back)

So beautiful!!

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Apple Blossoms

One of the sweetest traditions I remember from Sweden was the selling of bundled branches in the open markets in Springtime. People bought them, put them in water in their homes and in a few weeks the sweetest blossoms would appear bringing Spring right indoors. I still do it today after I prune my trees and shrubs. Here are photos of the apple blossoms. So lovely!

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

A Collection of Conference Snow Photos

Saturday morning we awoke to this lovely Winter scene! Some of us moaned, but within a short time the sun was shining. These Spring storms seldom last and I think just beautiful! By Sunday, there was just a bit left on grasses and in shadows, but enough for a snowman. Will, Em and Libby tried several snowmen ideas, while Teagan, completely uninterested inspected the neighbors car with her mum. (Note Libby's creative eye for fashion in these photos).
Oh, and later I tried a friend's recipe for Tablet. Success! I am gathering quite a collection of Scottish treats!