Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Christmas Surprises!

I know it's hard to believe, but here I am well into my second half-century, and I'm bursting with excitement for Christmas!! In my efforts to personalize gift giving, I've made many of my gifts this year, and feel almost a little kid again myself! And what's added more to the fun, has been skyping with my sisters while we crafted! Oh how wonderful modern technology can be! It is almost as much fun as our Sister Teas when we get together to make things, though many miles apart.
All finished now and ready to be posted, I hope my lovies enjoy them as much as their Maka did making them! Happy Christmas!!

Cinderella and the Prince 

All the finished characters and a few little kiddies if they really do live happily after after! Can you name a few in this photo?

Friday, October 24, 2014

Monkey See - Monkey Do!

 Doesn't take long for Gracie to follow the leader! I noticed from the first day in Iowa, when ever I'd pick Gracie up, her little legs would just wrap around me, just like a little monkey! And from then on that's what I called her. Not only because of that, but she is full of beans and quick to follow whatever her big sisters do, especially Teagan. A few shots on their front porch when the weather finally cleared (it rained hard for the first 3 days of my visit!) Silly wee monkeys!

Four Wee Girls!

Steph texted me the other day after her ultrasound - I wondered if they'd have to purchase all new baby things in a different hue. Nope, another darling little girl. I guess Libby cried when she learned. She had told me earlier in the week she thought her dad needed to have another boy in the family, so he wouldn't be all alone. Poor dolly. I'm thrilled, I must say!! I love my grandbabies almost too much! Thank you Will and Steph!
Just returned from a lovely visit to Iowa watching the girls and spending time with Will while Steph was in DC. Will post more on that next time.

Tuesday, September 30, 2014


I've been invited to join 3 other artists in a group to promote our work. I'm the only woman, ha! So I better come through! We're sending out an Autumn postcard to publishers, with an illustration from each of us. This is mine. Off it goes, and Lycka till!!

Wednesday, September 24, 2014


Andrew just returned from training in CA.

Saturday, September 6, 2014

Summer storms and clouds...

The other day we enjoyed a lovely summer storm. Thunder and lightning, and huge raindrops seemed to cover the earth! I usually like to sit out and enjoy it all on the front porch, but this time I was under the gun for an illustration, so enjoyed it from indoors through the open windows. It was over all too soon, and a beautiful sweet wind was drying up the puddles, when I noticed the most amazing clouds of black and white in the sky. I hurried out to catch them, but of course nothing is ever as beautiful as in real life. Such displays of power and beauty always make my heart sing.

Friday, July 4, 2014

Almost 56 years ago...

I always like to reflect on my birthday.
I've never been one for a big show, and when I am alone and pondering, I like to imagine that day, what might have been happening moments before, how excited my parents might have been even in the throws of labor... And what of my spirit?...anticipating mortality and all that awaited... beginning "My Turn on Earth"... I can imagine my hopeful spirit promising with all that I am, to be faithful in keeping my covenants, to love and serve and grow into the woman my Heavenly Father knows I can be... perhaps even a bit afraid... and then out I came, squalling and tiny and new and perfect, but for the long flat feet, and being kissed and held and loved by my sweet mum and dad and all my older siblings.... Now it is 56 years later and I again am pondering these things and on my life...

Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Assignments and Sketches

Another fun assignment from the Liahona! I've had less the past few months, and the only conclusion I can come to is that for some reason, that blessing is not needed any more. With my limited vision, it's difficult to understand, as it still feels VERY needed, but as I bring some of my ideas to final stages, I'm hoping to see some fruits very soon. Anyway, every now and then I get another little blessing and am grateful. I sent these roughs out to the art director today and will get busy finalizing the work. Oh how I love to create in this way!

Sunday, June 29, 2014


I'm not a writer, but I want to record things that matter to me, things that have changed me for the better and helped me to grow, and the many ways our Heavenly Father has blessed my life. I've not had success recording in journals, but am hoping that my pleasure at a keyboard and knowing, just maybe that these things will be read by others will motivate me to be a little better, try a little harder and record things that might be of value to my children and grandchildren.

I made this family tree chart for a sharing time in primary today, and had much more fun creating it than the children in the lesson could ever have. The reason I share this is that I have for a long time now felt the pull from my ancestors, and the gentle urging the Spirit has given me to search and find them, learn who they were, and do temple work for them, creating links through generations. Family Search, a site created by the Mormon Church is a wonderful resource available to anyone who wants to search for their own roots. I remember well my grandparents, but know very little about my great grandparents on the top row. Finding their photos and adding them on this little chart was a wonderful experience, and reminded me again how much I want to link my self to them.

Friday, May 30, 2014

Officers and Gentlemen

Andrew with fellow officer Anthony Garcia at the OCS graduation. I can't allow myself to worry about the future or what he will likely face as a 2nd Lt. in the USMC, but today my heart is overflowing with admiration and great love for this wonderful young man.

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

A Spring Surprise

In the midst of our 50's came a beautiful snowfall... just to tease us a bit.  I'll admit, I love snow, and though it will be nice to enjoy the warmth of the days ahead,  I'll miss winter. Every season has it's own beauty, and I love them all. 

Friday, February 14, 2014

Emma again...

Latest photo sent by Em. I couldn't help but note the joy in her face. "She glows" a friend said of her. Emma loves little kiddies. In fact, one of the first things she mentioned upon arrival is how differently the people treat their children, and how much she wants to just hold them in her arms. She will face many challenges there, and I'm certain will shed many different kinds of tears. This image of her face, just glowing with love and joy will remain with me always. She is in my heart and prayers.

Saturday, January 18, 2014

Some Deep thoughts...

Actually, my thoughts are seldom very deep. I'm sorry to admit it, but there it is. 
I mean I have thoughts that border on the deep from time to time, but nothing incredibly substantial. 

Emma is in her final days at the MTC. In fact she leaves next week on the 21st. 
I have mixed feelings about this, as I will miss her terribly. 
While she's been just over there in Provo, I've not worried or stressed. I know she's been safe and being blessed beyond my greatest hopes, but now that she is almost leaving, I'm beginning to have different feelings. After all, Cape Verde is WAAAAAAAAAAAY over there! And though she will be completely in the Lord's hands, I still have an anxiousness in the pit of my stomach... wait, it's more in my throat... 
I remember well as a young missionary myself, walking dark streets with my companion... looking for an address at the end of an alleyway... knocking on every door because we never knew if THIS one was the answer to prayer... and thinking to myself, if my mother could see me right now, she would FREAK! 

When all is said and done, and I'm honest with myself, I know I've nothing to fear really, as she is truly in the Lord's hands, His servant for these next months. He loves His missionaries and will go before them and with them and on every side. I also know from experience, that when she does come back to us, she will return even more wonderful and beautiful than she already is, and I can give her to Him knowing that.