Thursday, April 26, 2012

What I Learned Today

Today at Women's Conference I learned how to be a better mother, how to listen to my children without making judgements or adding comments, and asking questions that will help me understand what they aren't saying as well as what they are. I learned how to follow the pattern of Captain Moroni in fortifying my family and home for the battles of these latter-days, both temporally and spiritually. I was reminded that the trials in life have a purpose, and when I pray for help in the midst of them, that I must place my faith in God and not in the desired outcome. I learned that I must say "Thy will be done.", and believe it, and have the faith to hold onto the rod of iron even when I cannot see the tree of life. I learned there are times we must walk to the edge of the light and even step into the darkness for a bit before we can fully see our path and understand where we should go. And then as we were preparing to leave, I received this lovely print, signed by the artist. I'm sending it to Beth. And to think I almost didn't go.

Sunday, April 15, 2012


Saw this inspiring film last evening that a friend recommended. And to think I almost didn't bother. Not only was Buck inspiring in his ability to overcome the past, and he's pretty mild in describing it I'm certain, but in the amazing abilities he has acquired throughout his life based on that past. Watching him work increased in me the desire I've always had to watch and listen more closely to people and things that are hurt, and somehow make a difference in their lives. I was reminded that there are always reasons people are the way they are, whether by their own choices or the choices of others, and we can never judge a person with just our eyes. President Uchtdorf spoke quite eloquently on this subject in this past General Conference when he said "Stop it!"
I've known of a few people like Buck who have faced almost insurmountable odds in life, with every reason or excuse to fail, and have chosen to rise above them to become amazing people, and it inspires me to be a better person.
Here's a bit of simple wisdom I acquired from watching Buck: He said he could tell a lot about a person by the way the animals under their care act. A horse (or a dog) is like a 3 year-old child in capacity to understand and learn, and when that animal misbehaves or acts out, it's usually the person who needs to be taught how to behave, not the animal. I find I'm looking at my wee dog in a whole new light now! Good dog Lily!!

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Blooming Things

Previous post was a drag. Sorry about that, but you know, we all have those grey days. Sometimes it's good to remember, so that when you're having one, you can know it will pass, and things will get better. Thank you Patti for your very kind words. What a darling friend!
Beautiful rain yesterday as I was leaving the library and the last few days, the kind of sky with those long streaky clouds of rain falling. I'm not succeeding at describing them, but I can see them in my mind. The world just looks beautiful in rain! And with all the bits of blooms coming out all over now, it is all just too lovely! My yard is, especially to me. The best part are the little surprises that appear each spring. They've been there all the time, but just hidden away until the right time and then almost in an instant, blossoms just appear all over the place!

Friday, April 13, 2012

Late Nights

Sometimes I stay up far too late working on illustrations, or some church assignment, or just sitting before my computer unable to get up because I don't want to go to bed and face the another day.
Here I am doing it again, but this time, I am pondering over some projects I wish so much I could see materialize! For example, I awoke this morning with a picture book stirring around in my mind. I'm talking about names and characters so detailed I can see them! I've had it in there all day today, and can't seem to find the courage to begin. I have several books in the beginning stages, none of which have yet materialized, but occupy several reams of notes and illustrations in file folders, and I wonder why I hesitate. What is it that stops me? Am I afraid they won't materialize and just remain filed away forever along with so many ideas and dreams that begin with the best of intentions? Am I afraid I'm just not talented enough to actually see them through to completion, publication and who knows what else? Am I just too tired trying to make ends meet working a 9 to 5 job totally unrelated to what I've written here and can't seem to find it in me to even care? I don't know, but it's too late once again, so I'll have to ponder on this another time.

Friday, April 6, 2012

Easter Snow

Woke up to this surprise! Everything covered in several inches of snow! Truly a beautiful sight, if it weren't for the fact that most of our fruit trees in the area were in full bloom! Ah well, we take each day at a time, don't we? "Come what may and love it!"