Sunday, March 24, 2013

Gracie Elizabeth

I am in love!

Saturday, March 16, 2013

Illustration Friday and Practicing

I've been inspired by my dear one to return to Illustration Friday and other such practice work, and it has been very rewarding. Not only have I enjoyed the brain exercise it can be, but I am receiving some invaluable feedback from other artists that I am so grateful for. I've also gained some confidence, sadly lacking in recent months and am hopeful that I can keep up this momentum.
A sweet friend from school has been facing some very difficult trials of late, and has been pushing herself to get her work OUT there. She's inspired me to do the same, to not be afraid, but just take it one day at a time, working diligently and having faith in myself and my abilities to create! I've set some new goals, and we'll see what the future holds!

Sketch is scanned into Photoshop

After coloring it, I've been trying several texture methods.

Finally choosing this one for submission.
Having loads of fun and learning so much!

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

William Home! NOTE - This post originally was published in June 2010, and due to my ridiculously daft computer skills, I somehow republished it. It's a good one though! Enjoy!

He is home, safe and sound!!! We thank our Heavenly Father for his return! The following is a collage of photos of the day. Thank you all for your cards and notes and letters and packages, and especially your prayers!

Monday, March 11, 2013


I have a gazillion favorite artists, but the wonderful Garth Williams is one of my most favorite. Recently while checking in books at the library where I work, a copy of "A Cricket in Times Square" came through, and I had to stop for a few minutes and glance through. What an amazingly talented man! Just now as I searched the internet for his work I was again reminded of so many lovely stories that were a part of my childhood and my own children's.  Here is a sampling - a feast for the eyes!

"The Kitten Who Thought He Was a Mouse"

 "Farmer Boy"

"Charlotte's Web"

No idea what this one is from, but love it!

A portrait of the Mr. Williams

Sister Black

This photo made me so happy. I love this wonderful young woman! 

Friday, March 1, 2013

Amazing Photography

I came across this man's work on a friend's site today and was absolutely floored! Isn't he amazing?!
His name is  Bill Gekas and here's his link -
Now, granted his model who just happens to be his daughter is a beauty, but this fellow has such an eye for composition and lighting and well, just everything! 
I love photography, and still have my old Cannon 35 mm sitting on a shelf, can't bear to part with it,  but one of these days... I hope to buy a digital camera, a really amazing one, and see if I can capture  a few gorgeous images of some little beauties I know and love!

Like these two, for example!