Saturday, January 18, 2014

Some Deep thoughts...

Actually, my thoughts are seldom very deep. I'm sorry to admit it, but there it is. 
I mean I have thoughts that border on the deep from time to time, but nothing incredibly substantial. 

Emma is in her final days at the MTC. In fact she leaves next week on the 21st. 
I have mixed feelings about this, as I will miss her terribly. 
While she's been just over there in Provo, I've not worried or stressed. I know she's been safe and being blessed beyond my greatest hopes, but now that she is almost leaving, I'm beginning to have different feelings. After all, Cape Verde is WAAAAAAAAAAAY over there! And though she will be completely in the Lord's hands, I still have an anxiousness in the pit of my stomach... wait, it's more in my throat... 
I remember well as a young missionary myself, walking dark streets with my companion... looking for an address at the end of an alleyway... knocking on every door because we never knew if THIS one was the answer to prayer... and thinking to myself, if my mother could see me right now, she would FREAK! 

When all is said and done, and I'm honest with myself, I know I've nothing to fear really, as she is truly in the Lord's hands, His servant for these next months. He loves His missionaries and will go before them and with them and on every side. I also know from experience, that when she does come back to us, she will return even more wonderful and beautiful than she already is, and I can give her to Him knowing that.